It’s already out there … shouldn’t you know what “it” is?
Our Mission: To provide US businesses and individuals with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) data products and services that strengthen both their and the nation’s cyber defense.
In today’s increasingly networked world, there is a tremendous amount of corporate information available legally, for free, on the Internet and Dark Web. Some of this information provides insight into a company’s proprietary information, business models, near-term and long-term strategy, future actions, and cyber defensive posture, and some provides actionable vectors for cyber attack. Both business rivals and cyber criminals can and do obtain this information for their various illicit ends, without detection or attribution. This open source information is available at machine-speed access right now, and can be obtained COMPLETELY LEGALLY.
Until now, there has not been an affordable, commercially available service focused on providing businesses and consumers with an introspective view of their information exposure through the application of state-of-the-art Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) technology and analysis. We believe that our services, built upon fully proprietary technology, provide significant corporate and consumer value by delivering actionable information and analysis that allows businesses and consumers to mitigate the risk of information that is already available, modify their infrastructure and information dissemination behavior to minimize future exposure, and confound adversarial attempts to cause harm through cyber attack.
OSINT History
Futures launched itself into the OSINT collection world back in 2001. Capabilities quickly expanded and we have used our skills in this area to support Federal Agencies and Fortune 100 companies. Now, in 2020-2022 we focused heavily on developing new capabilities and streamlining many aspects of our products. Combined, these actions have set us apart from others in a way that helps entities of all sizes.
Futures will not sell information about one company to another. Customers are only allowed to request information on their own company and subsidiaries, once proof has been established. Our services can be used to help law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and groups seeking information in a way that is ethically viable. All subsets of information can be tailored out of our process and information can be anonymized, if requested.